Browsing: Theater


What is “Uhudler”? And what does this Austrian wine, which until the early 1990s was only allowed to be produced for domestic use, have to do with the beginnings of a globalized world economy? What colonial-racist histories of violence underlie long drinks like gin and tonic or Cuba Libre?

The digital archive aims to make visible the arts and cultures of the Sinti and Roma in Europe – and thereby illustrate their “contribution to European cultural history”.

Drew Hayden Taylor’s play satirically explores the racialization and violent appropriation of an indigenous community in Canada by two white Germans.


“Come out now!” is the programmatic motto of the 1st Roma Biennale.


The Israeli dance and performance group has been working on social practices, domination and representation in public space since 2006.

Colonialism, space, post-racist future: Simone Dede Ayivi’s performance in Berlin’s Sopiehensälen tells at the same time about today, about the past and about another tomorrow, because: “It’s hard to stop rebels that time travels”.


The series of talks curated by Grada Kilomba invited refugee artists to the Maxim Gorki Theater in Berlin between 2015 and 2017. The focus of the 13 talks was the question of how systems of knowledge and representation can be artistically and politically transformed, de-colonized, rewritten.

“The NSU murders were followed by a racist media controversy and one-sided, discriminatory investigative work. The play ‘Judgments’ by Christine Umpfenbach and Azar Mortazavi […] counters this racism with the perspective of those left behind.”

Bühnenwatch is a coalition of activists of color and white activists whose goal is to end racist practices on German…


[vimeo id=”77952994″] In her performance”World without Borders”, the artist Julia Friese processes the events surrounding a denial of entry visas… Mind the Trap (Auf deutsch: Vorsicht/Beachte die Falle) ist eine Kampagne des „Bündnisses Kritischer Kulturpraktiker_innen“. Mit einer Intervention zur…