“Nine Days on the Roof” dokumentiert den Refugee-Protest auf dem Dach der Gerhart-Hauptmann-Schule in Kreuzberg im Juni 2014, nachdem die Verantwortlichen des Bezirkes den Befehl zur gewaltsamen Räumung ausgesprochen hatten. Der Film zeigt außerdem die Belagerungs-Situation um die Gerhart-Hauptmann Schule. In Interviews und Gesprächen berichten Refugee-Aktivist_innen über die Hintergründe des Protests und formulieren ihre Forderungen.

“On the 24th of June, 2014 the district of Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg made an operation called ‘voluntary moving’. The idea was to empty the former Gerhart-Hauptmann school, occupied by refugees since December 2012. The procedure involved over 1000 police officers and blocked the complete neighbourhood. From the 300 of the school’s inhabitants, around 40 people didn’t accept to leave. Instead they stayed inside and resisted for 9 days on the roof of the building.”

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