This free radio station (independent, self-determined, grassroots) takes a critical look at society and broadcasts 24 hours, 7 days a week. In addition to music and news, there are themed shows from Germany and the world on gendering and queer life, capitalism, migration, the environment, net safety, legal tips for the unemployed, literature and art, bedtime stories for adults, and much, much more. Click here for the free livestream.

Radio Corax also offers workshops to learn radio making and in the course of this to impart basic journalistic and technical knowledge.

Shows and projects include:

Wendefokus – This is more or less an oral history archive in which numerous personal interviews from a wide variety of social perspectives can be found that focus on the turning point of 1989 in Germany. Thus, a mosaic of different and partly marginalized experiences during the period of the Wende years emerges in the field of tension between collective memory and personal experience.

Радио Дача – Radio Datscha – a German-Russian Radio Exchange Program

Migrant.innenn in Arbeit – A radio project to help migrants access the German labor market: “How to look for work? What is a minijob? How does temporary work work? How to make your own business? When do I need to take out insurance? Where can I have my child cared for so I can go to work? And anyway: What do I have to fulfill in order to be allowed to work in Germany? … and who will help me?”




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