Daily Resistance is “newspaper published and written by people, so-called refugees, who don’t accept their disfranchisement by the German state. They write about their fight and share their opinions to reach out to people who are in the same situation.” Self Description on Daily Resistance
The authors and activists fight to overcome unjust and inhumane living conditions. The goal is to inform and invite as many people as possible together with activists and supporters on the ground to break the isolation and get in contact with each other.
The author collective of “Daily Resistance” describes itself and the goals of its activism as follows: “Together we are a growing group of people who are fighting against a system of politicians, media and capitalists that is based on dehumanizing laws, that criminalizes and instrumentalizes people and that exposes itself by the capitalized lager industry.”
The articles are written in several languages, for example in Arabic, Turkish, English and French.
The articles are about concrete organized resistance, perspectives on colonialism and imperialism, human rights, personal and collective experiences, and much more.
The first issue of the magazine was printed in a run of over 5000 copies and was out of print shortly after its publication. Copies were issued in numerous German cities as well as Manchester and Vienna. In addition, copies of Daily Resistance have been successfully thrown over the fences of a locked camp in Thessaloniki and thus distributed.
The first and second issues of Daily Resistance can also be downloaded.