Browsing: Education

Wiebke Scharathow’s study reconstructs what everyday experiences of racism mean for young people. Based on the perspectives of students, the…

Practitioners and researchers who would like to refer to the paradigm “intersectionality” in different contexts can use the portal Intersectionality…

The Dishwasher is the blog for the magazine of the same name ‘For Studying Working Children’. The website features “articles…

The website of Andreas Kemper – researcher of classism and founder of the magazine “The Dishwasher”- contains lectures and articles…

Learning from History is an educational portal on the history of the 20th century. Teaching and learning materials on important…

The book brings together studies that address how the racialized normal produces bodies of knowledge. “The contributions to this volume…

“The brochure is about the following topics: Project i-Päd, identity, intersectionality, homophobia, sexism, transphobia, interphobia, racism, anti-Muslim racism, anti-Semitism, racism…