Browsing: Gender

The novel “Very blue eyes” (in the original: “The bluest Eye”) by Toni Morrison is the haunting and poetic story…

The blog Stop! Talking. talks about life in Berlin and describes Afro-European experiences and perspectives on prevailing conditions. Main topics…

The girls’ blog is an open feminist community project and sees its content as a response to and alternative to…

Lisa is supposed to write a school essay on the topic of dream jobs. Together with their brother Philip and…

The book “Girl or Boy” is one of the few books for children that critically examines gender roles and the…

“It’s not the differences that inhibit us, it’s the silence.” Through her poems, lyrics, and speeches, Audre Lorde (1934-1992) sought…

The book Amazing Grace by Mary Hoffman is an empowering reading experience for Black girls* ages five to nine. The… Kat Blaque ist eine Aktivist_in und Video-Blogger_in aus Kalifornien, die aus einer Schwarzen, feministischen Trans*-Perspektive über unterschiedliche Aspekte ihres…