Browsing: Postcolonialism Das Video-Blog Moni Tano hat ein ausführlichen und aufschlussreiches Interview mit Ngũgĩ wa Thiongʼo über Prozesse von Dekolonialisierung rassifizierter…

“Decolonizing the Mind: The Politics of Language in African Literature” is the work of noted Kenyan author and postcolonialism…


“Your utopia is my reality and my reality is your utopia”. SAVVY Contemporary – The laboratory of form-ideas is a…

At the center of the anthology is the concept of justice, which has been repeatedly discussed as a Euro- and…

In his work “Critique of Black Reason”, the Cameroonian philosopher and political scientist Achille Mbembe sets out clearly and comprehensively…

In Plantation Memories, Grada Kilomba episodically describes and contextualizes experiences of everyday racism of Black people in white-dominated, post/colonial societies.… Danez Smith richtet einen eindringlichen Weckruf an ein ‘weißes Amerika’ und erhebt Anklage gegen die von Rassismus geprägten Zustände,…

In her book Precarious Life, Judith Butler reflects on the reactions to 9/11 and explores the question of the different…